This was my first attempt at tattooing. I chose to tattoo a pair of Koi fish on my left thigh, because a pair of Koi fish, in Chinese Feng Shui, is believed to symbolize and bring good luck. Personally, I am fascinated by Chinese mythology and I love fishes in general; but I also decided on this design because of all the different techniques involved, like the outline, grayscale, shading, and filling - Basic things a tattoo artist should know before inking someone else.
I started working on this tattoo in December 2009, but I still haven't completed it - I've decided to finish it only once my tattoo-knowledge and learning feels like it is complete; I love those little moments of feelings of accomplishment.
The Italian logo for some football team.
Maori art on left arm.
Blazing lion on chest.
"Om" from a more modern art stance.
My first attempt at tattooing with colour.
An abstract form of the moon and stars. ... No, I did not design that.
Front half of a horse on right arm.
This tattoo, at one point I'd liked to call my "masterpiece". The customer wanted something that was meant as a tribute to Michael Jackson, her idol. The idea was to make it look like her back had been carved out, like a "crack in the wall" sort of concept, to symbolize his message of "L.O.V.E" being etched in her being forever. The process took two sittings - one where I designed the tattoo for her and tattooed the outline on her lower back, and the second where I worked on the highlights and shading. I'm guessing if I've crossed the expectations of a diehard Michael Jackason fan - I've done well.
"Its not the cards you're dealt in life - Its how you play them" on right arm.
Chinese for "Love, Life and Laughter", apparently.
An "ambigram" - an intriguing artform wherein two words may be written as one - it depends on what angle you read it from! This tattoo, for example, says "Sudha" when read the right way, and "Ashok" when read upside down.
"Pumba" on left calf.
"Om" with a slok.
An angel on a stallion, riding through the mist... This one's a personal favourite.
... If only I knew what on Earth that's supposed to be.